Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Two flowers in one stalk

It looks like two flowers in one stalk ,one is Bangobabdhu Shekh Mujibur Rahman and another is Ziaur Rahman. It is my believe I can't think others with the name of independent Bangladesh. This is my own faith this is my love this is my honour this is my respect to them. Because of both were the leader both were the Patriot. Among those who are big and who are small that's not look out for me . I believe one were patronised the nation to come under one umbrella to think for freedom . After the victory of liberation war leader put his step on the independent land which were then a desert , every where crying for lost of close relatives . Then needed  united the nation to build the country . As a father of nation he was done the correct thing forgiven almost all the collaborator didn't think more dead or more blood of his son on the mother land .Asked the nation to build the country . Advised all the freedom fighters to hand over all arms rather put this hand for development of destroyed country. Advised Indian forces to go back their country as we are very grateful to them for their dedication and sacrificed . This two jobs were very tough at that time but as a great leader he had done this. There are no require to brief any more for his greatness so far . As a man none be a 100% correct. I think he was done mistaken or misguided to take the roll of a dictator  from father of a nation by creating BAKSAL. 
Another name is Ziaur Rahman who have taken a grate roll in two times for the nation and recognise himself as a part of Bangladesh history which can't possible to deny for the nation except the political rivalry .On 25th March ,1971 after arrested Bangobandhu there was no leader who can  lead the nation as mostly were scattered only some were tried to protect locally but aimless . At that time the speech  of Major Zia from Chittagong Radio Station were inspired the nation. Can we ignore above ? 
But sorry to say we are hopeless nation with in three years after independence some of us misguided and on 15th August.1975 killed our own leader , father of the nation with our own hand , how tragedy of the nation which every time remember me the poem "The Patriot" by Robert Browning .
Nation further were fallen in tragic condition ,every where broken the chain of command in one word can say there were no government al all . 
On 7th November  1975 Ziaur Rahman came out in the lime light with the help of general Soldier and the general public. Taken steering  wheel of the country . That time was very tough to bring all the scattered armed forces in one command but he could with his image and power of leader ship .He followed the ideology of Bangbandhu , that's why think there need to develop the country first , there need to contribution of all. He didn't want to divide the nation who are pro independent and who are resistant .He open the politics for all which was banned after BAKSAL . There was no freedom of media he arranged. He arranged to create connection with abroad . Take opportunity of negotiation to stop the war between Iraq and Iran . Thinking to solve problem of the country of South East Asia with discussion each other for which on his initiative established SAARC.
He knows to make the country well there need to self depended on the food production and must require the people of the village to share with this war for which he visited all the path of villages around all over the country, tried to talk with every body . Once a time he become a leader taken space in the heart of the nation from a soldier. 
But again we mistaken we were killed this leader in the dark of the rainy night in Chittagong from where he was inspired the nation in 1971. Thus we have lost our two patriotic leader. Not given chance them to build the country as their dream.
Now shouting we are the soldier of Mujib we are soldier of Zia but none of us follow their ideology. Trying  to measure their dedication and trying to evaluate each other to show as we are the actual supporter of them.It is not wise at all because to establish particular one we are evaluating other . My observation country can 't found any more leader like them in future who can able to United the nation under the one umbrella. Still we are in different problem nation are already divided on different issue. 
How ever there have rumour that the graveyard of Ziaur Rahman shall be shifted , think it will be another symbol of revengeful Politics .
In previous we have seen to keep out the family of Ziaur Rahman from his 42 years old house which one JS provided his family after his death .More over he was a freedom fighter, as a president and also his wife begum Zia were two times Prime Minister of this country.I think this type of mentality should be changed for better interest of the nation for the country. If any body think it is not fair the graveyard of Ziaur Rahman will be in Capital but the graveyard of Bangobandhu are out side of capital . It is not bad to come the question then we may think to bring the graveyard on capital or take mega plan to shift the capital to tongipara , Faridpur to avoid any deviation among the nation further more.
Any way during this Ramadan we may pray to Almighty Allah for their eternal peace along with our father mother and relatives whom we left and hope for blessing of Almighty Allah upon the nation to keep united for the interest of the country all the times .
Facebook post : 10/06/2017

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