Sunday, February 18, 2018

Boneless Organisation-Arab League

May be world almost was going to forget the name of organisation Arab League. So far once it was very active but now it became boneless organisation. As a result not found presence of this Organization during Kuwait invention by Iraq. On the world pressure when Iraqi convoy left Kuwait and return through famous Kuwait-Baghdad Road why US lead forces were bombing and destroying maximum convoy without UN approval, then not observed the activities of Arab League. On false propaganda US invaded Iraq, killed only one powerful nationalist Arab leader Mr. Saddam in the morning on Eid day and destroying all the cities one by one, all inhuman activities was going on in Iraq, then nothing observe activities of this organisation to make in united all Iraqi. When on the name of Arab spring arrangement were going on to kill Mr. Gaddafi and to destroy the Libya nothing observed any activities of this organisation. When Israeli were invaded West Bank killing innocent people of Palestinian then not observed presence of this organisation. What is their activities to secure the Al-Aska Mosque, believe nothing found of this organisation. When Syria cities were destroying by IS and other opposition militant group with all logistic support by some Arab countries and leading by US-Israel not found presence of this Arab League. When Saudi lead coalition invaded in Yemen, when Saudi lead GCC country imposed blocked during Ramadan on Qatar what were their activities? Now this organisation loyal to Saudi Arabia came to declare Hezbollah as terrorist. So far Hejbullah never killed baby or innocent people but Saudi lead coalition still killing baby and innocent people in Yemen. 
When battling started on power among the prince inside wisdom, when activities of kingdom comes under the question, when throne come under risk on continuation, then some of them working for the interest of US-Israel to safe the throne nothing else.The US-Israel jointly want to minimize Hezbollah strength to minimize the presence of Iran in ME. They also want to destroy the Hamas in Palestinian. Now only these two are the main competitor in ME those are enabled to challenge Israel. So they planned to create unrest in Lebanon first. Saudia are just handling by them remote on their hand. Almost all Prince are now very eager for earthly enjoyment. As a result Prince Salman already instructed PLO leader President Abbas to accept the plan of President Trump or resigned. He also influenced Hariri to resign because as reported Mr.Hariri not agreed to go on any conflict with Hezbollah as targeted Lebanon first. So far their plan is that if Lebanon go on conflict with Hezbollah then Israel will open war front on this border to take easily revenge of last war by destroying them. What ever else Labanon will pay the cost may be. So there is no alternate, any how the People of Labanon and Hezbollah should keep hold hand each other to be a united in all respect to safe their land Lebanon from any invader.

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