Thursday, February 1, 2018

Need loyal to own nation

After a long days observing activities of Arab League on the issue of shifting Embassy of USA to Jerusalem with supporting as capital of Israel. OIC still in silent. But it is too late. Because this was planned after chaired of President Trump. Who then told to Mr. Abbas for peace of Palestinian there will be needed to sacrifice. May be this is one of that sacrifice.
It is observing when Israeli kill any Arab or attack on any area some people we are start to say to destroy Israel like as that it is very easy anyone can do this. It is no doubt Israel are doing in human activities on Palestinian, they have occupied their land, occupied Al-Aksha Mashjid still they are displacing Palestinian family and occupied their land, they kept Palestinian as stateless captive nation confined in open sky jail.
I am not agreed with them those are telling to destroy Israel. Because of none have ability to do this. All Arab countries are quarreling each other direct or inspiring to kill each other . Some of us are telling ISIS created by Israel and US but who are working there , those are bear name of Muslim and killing people of own countries, own brothers, own nation. Those are supporting with all logistics they are also Arab. If so then why we do not want to destroy supporting country. If we observe we found in Yemen two group one is Iran another Saudi coalition, In Libya battling each other , in Syria battling each other, in Iraq, Somalia, Nigeria, Afghan all are the same killing each other.Palestinian have no state they are also divided and are now face to face if reconciliation work not proceed properly there have possibility any time Fatah and  Hamas may engage on battle. But why ?     
So there is no need to think destroy the Israel better to think rectify own . Because of , in the mean time all Arab countries are almost destroyed and others almost are controlled by big powers . Big powers are getting benefit by selling their arms and ammunition, able to get other business by inspiring to keep continue the battle among the country. The Arab leader are not the baby they know every thing but to enjoy the power, to enjoy every thing of the earth they became doll of those countries.
To survive all leader should come under one umbrella, should leave fascination of power, should leave eagerness to enjoy all of the world, should avoid force to implement any doctrine to anyone, should loyal to own nation not to others. 
If all Arab become united then they will become a big power in ME. No need to be thought to destroy the Israel for their inhuman activities with Palestinian or any Arab, rather not only Israel each and everyone will think twice before any act against Arab.
Share post : 05-12-2017

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