Thursday, February 15, 2018

Politics have no rule but have technique

After declaration the observation on 16th amendment by appellate division headed by honourable Chief Justice Mr. Shurendra  Kumar Sinha. On this issue different leader of ruling party Awami league and MP's are become very annoyed. Some are used very odd language which were not wise to deliver openly to anyone who is still on one of the highest constitutional post of the country. There is a proverb that the arrow and speak of the mouth which delivered that never be returned. So we should take care in twice before delivery the contemptuous comment against any respectable person. This are required to mention here that the ruling party were selected Mr. Sinha as a Chief Justice. So far before coming election he is going to be retired . There are renowned every thing is possible in our country . If so  as miracle  all parties comes on solution to come in the election under care taker Government for the interest of the country as a special issue then he will be the chief Adviser of the care taker Government for the time being. Though there is not possible at all so far. 
It is not clear suddenly  why the biggest opposition party BNP are become very happy those were not attended in the election on 2014 on demand of care taker Government. Their attitude looks like that on the basis of court observation they are going on power walking on the clean and clear road which Mr. Sinha prepared only for them. But I think they are not realise the sentiment of the public. It is true only depends on briefing and press note from two office lying at Palton and Gulshan with in the Dhaka city without any program's any public communication in any where in the country not possible to realise the reality. 
But fact is that there is no alternate dependable party for which public are bound for casting their vote among the two parties alternately. No doubt BNP will say they are not allowed for any meeting. I agreed but what is problem to seek permission repeatedly for meeting following day of refused and then can brief the same , at least  public will under stand that they are trying to do some thing but  Government not spare space for them to say some thing for the people .
Government increasing price of Gas, Electricity , hike price of essential goods day to day , increase of hiding , killing, rapping etc BNP are almost silent , except asking election and democracy. My assumption absolutely depends on miracle , if government declare election with in short period BNP can't possible to arrange perfect candidate for all the seat with in the short time . Because in side the party lot of factor are active and there is tremendous short fall of active workers. I think BNP lost a great opportunities on the day when Honourable PM attended for condolence to the death of Arfat Rahman at Gulshan , if Madam Zia accept cordially her and told her thank you for condolence the death of my one child but now your people are killing more son in various area please stop this and come to solve problem with discussion. I believe there were no need to attend any public meeting any communication but a positive message was reached to all the home . But some one closed the gate and none of senior those were present were able to show the courtesy talk with her , that was great mistaken and lost confidence of the public which now observing on the day of their various program. 
At this moment if BNP want to do some thing first require to solve their internal problem. Must be consider  the dedicated worker and leader by visiting central leader each and every area to mobilise and inspire to all. As a very old political party Awami League have lot of experience , their have dedicated worker from them any body can take lesson . Just one for example some bodies were against Bangobandhu and after his killing some were very happy some were silent , some were inactive , some were in hide  but now they are in Parliament with our Honourable PM, those are loudly praising her , which PM speak , not a single moment lost every one start to repeat the same day and night every time . Our PM handling them  properly with her charismatic leadership . I believe politics have no rule but have technique which need to learn to success in politics as a politician .
Facebook : 17/08/2017

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