Thursday, February 1, 2018

Try to keep harmony among us

The time is more than forty-nine years ago we were in Baniakhamar Khulna student of primary school. The road in front our house were with muddy. Then the area were not populated. Both the side of road were full of jangle. One big rain tree was stood besides the road for which in day light also were in dark under the tree. Electric line were not established. All the house holder were used kerosene lamp or hurricane in the night. Torch light also were not available so far. In day light we also felt fear to move this area . Each and every night we heard on passing the road man were sung a song very loudly with disharmonious . One day asked my mother why this guys did it. She was informed to keep fear out of their mind thus they cross the road. She left us long before but still remember that answer.
Observing  suddenly some peoples sound of speech in the country become very loud and looks with almost disharmonious . My mother left us long before and after long forty-seven to fifty years still that answer is in memory. Keep that in front, try to compare and ask question to self whether these people are passing day with fear of any  thing for which sing a song loudly with disharmonious? 
We are already in trouble and passing day with air pollution , sound pollution , water pollution etc. Now really feel fear with this pollution of loudly disharmonious sing a song . Hope all will realise and for the interest of the country and for the interest of the nation everyone should stop all, try to keep harmony among us. So that our next generation would not deviate in coming days.
Facebook Post : 04-12-2017

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