Saturday, February 17, 2018

We feel comfort to advise others.

Last week the nation were very busy . Some were engaged with Chief Justice, some were busy with Myanmar refugee, some were busy how to establish democracy the way to go on power, some were busy for reception of PM as oiling, some were very  excited as leader is going to be honour Nobel peace prize, some were busy with cricket and frustrated on our performance, some were feel very glad to sign the debt agreement , somebody like us were also busy with FB as no job only work to find out others weakness to criticise, some of us busy how to increase the price of rice by artificial create shortage of stock. During this time Minister of Myanmar visited our country to eye wash the worlds human community that Myanmar Govt  are favour of peace and ready to take back Rohingya refugee but still Myanmar Army and Militant Buddhist are engage on genocide and tide of refugee to Bangladesh not yet  stop.
As a leader as a freedom fighter self very much like him. Observed  in on line News Portal he expressed his regret that why we were unable to show our disregard to the Minister of Myanmar for their genocide on innocent Rohingya. He kept question why not possible to collect old shoes from old city to throw on him, did not able to throw spittle on his car even not shown the black flag to him? In these regards he pointed the finger to the leader of AL and also BNP. Very good point no doubt. I believe he knows every thing well then others. He knows very well Jamat can distribute relief to the Rohingya refugee without any obstacle but BNP can't do so. Though I am very much confused on the activities of BNP leader behind whom, have supporter of large number of peoples of the country. Why the leader of this party are not moving to the root level to mobilise the worker and supporter. The are confined with in boundary of Gulshan and Paltan office and end of the day to arrange meeting to deliver the address in front of few  journalist as routine table work.
Anyway my question to my favorate  leader of a political party what he had done ? Why he didn't advise his party worker to do the same thing which didn't done by the public or other political party ? This is proofed further that we feel comfort to advise others all the time but self can't do the same. FB friends please don't criticise as I am also done the same job, think very nicely.
Facebook :08/10/2017

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