Saturday, February 17, 2018

What is the big sacrifice of Palestinian ?

During election campaign Trump was  always against the Muslim . Sitting on chair used administrative power  banned entrance citizen of seven Muslim countries in US . But as a President his first visit was Saudi Arab.  During his visit billions dollar dealt done for supply of Arms and Ammunition to Saudi Arab to protect the influence of Iran in ME in the name of war against terrorism. Some teach were given to Saudi Arabia for which after his return to USA, Saudi lead others five countries closed relation with Qatar even stop supply of food to Qatar during Ramadan showing cause they are financing terrorists group. After isolated Qatar, not a single moment delayed, twitted Trump as this is the achievement of his ME tour. Because above mentioned all causes are in favour of US-Israel. Though are the biggest Air defense of USA to look after ME with around ten thousand soldiers are lying in Qatar. 

The peaceful people of the world observed with great surprise that with in few days US signed another dealt with Qatar to supply Fighter plane. Thus, divide and rule policy able to collect business by selling arms to keep running ordinance factory in their country and destroying one by one powerful Islamic country to establish Israel as an only single power in ME. 

But there is main obstacle still are Hamas in Gaza and Iran lead Hezbollah in Lebanon . After arrangement finalised to divide the Syria by supporting various opposition group of Asad regime even ISIS with  all logistic supply direct or through Muslim King and leader of neighbor countries loyal to USA.  Now If able to stop the financing to Hamas than there will be difficult to survive rule of Hamas in Gaza . In the mean time Hamas are already in trouble due to reduce the electric supply and not able to reduce the distance with PLO Fatah group headed by Abbas . As reported Hamas may be going to take step to negotiation with Egypt for normalizing relation as they were supported Brother Hood of Egypt in earlier which President SiSi never forgets so far. 

Israel keep concentration to expand their land to accommodation for Jews settler in occupied Palestinian. Last few years they are trying to develop ties with various countries including Arab and succeeded to build relation few ones, those were in previous supported only Palestinian and not were interested to keep touch with them . Among them Asian two big power China and India now are their business partner . Due to various obstacle and reducing supported countries Hamas are thinking there have no alternate except going to fight with Israel. Israel may be  waiting for that scope  to use full strength to vacate  Hamas from Gaza. As reported during discussion between Trump and Fatah leader Abbas at White House , US president told Him that for peace in Palestinian there would be required big sacrifice but not explained in details. The same way discussion with Trump and after returned back to Egypt President Sisi of Egypt told that some change is coming very soon in ME but not elaborated.

Now question comes in front what is the big sacrifice of Palestinian need and what is big change coming very soon in Middle East ? 

Facebook : 09/07/2017

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