Thursday, February 15, 2018

Whether able to rule the country properly

Face book really a very enjoyable forum. Once not like this media but now comes it one of the part in the daily life. Observed post on our Honorable PM that she is in short list with others on the hand of  Nobel Prize committee for peace providing shelter to Rohingya refugee. If so no doubt as a nation we are being a very proud. After observing post , since morning trying to remember those ntellectual, leader and brilliant Minister (whether grading is wrong please forgive me) those were discovered in before when first Rohingya tide start to come in Bangladesh that this is London conspiracy, almost  like that  Khaleda Zia given plan to Myanmar to start genocide. Now noon is passing away but could not able to find out their face or remember their name . Intend was to keep question to them whether they are taking arrangement to give gorgeous reception on the day of arrival from London for Begum Khaleda Zia for her great job to create situation/chance to get Nobel Prize for our PM ?
Our Government were always against to receive the Rohingya refugee from the last year. Because, since long country provided shelter lot of refugees , on initial stage some refugees were also push backed but finally can't possible to protect the tide of refugee. With in a short time exceeded four millions due to started genocide by barbarians Myanmar Army and loyal to theirs notorious Buddhist militant leading by Abbot which never seen the civilized world as before. Army and their loyal notorious Buddhist militant are burning each and every village, looting , rapping , killing very brutally . After killing dead body also burnt and cut with pcs with inhuman activities.
On this Issue visited First Lady of Turkey and distributed relief to the Rohingya refugee with her heartiest sympathy to them. Some of us were become very soft to her and were expressed highly gratitude to her. Also, some were feeling very jealous those are only sensation holder and were not hesitated to call as they are the grower of terrorist come here with some plan. But then our only one best friend Mr. Modi passing good days with Suu Kyi of Myanmar and supported their brutal genocide. After, Returned back to India also advised to all their state Minister to push back the Rohingya those were taken shelter in their country. But our so called sensation holder and intellectual are adopted speak to not policy about our only best friend once who was the leader of Guzrat killing. Till then government were also really hesitating to take any decision about Rohingya refugee.
After visit of our Honorable PM, observing physically the tragedy of refugee declared as we are feeding of sixteen core people then can possible to feed Rohingya refugee. This is the brave decision as like as big hearted leader no doubt. Thus, world have been observed what is the moral strength of Bangladeshi nation for humanitarian help to the victim people and against all kind of inhuman activities.
On this issue this sensation holder not forget to remember the name of Pakistan those were our enemy and we defeated them in the year 1971. Blamed them as they are also planner of genocide to gain some profit by creating unrest in side Bangladesh. There have confusion whether they are in mentally ill or oiling someone to get illegal remuneration. We are now the nation of independent Bangladesh. This country will never be a Pakistan why would think their name day night even in the dream this is not clear to me. Those have little bit idea about South East Asia where India Israel America have planed for geographical change by separating Beluchtan from Pakistan like Bangladesh. There is no difference except in 1971 then America were helped Pakistan against India now they are helping India against Pakistan. Pakistan also in too much trouble to protect lot of in-house terrorist and protect outside conspiracy. When, this post is writing then exchanging gun shoot in continue on Kashmir border. So they have no time to think for Bangladesh so far . Believe some brain of our Intellectual have been washed by some power and confined with very small byte for which they are not able to think that we are passing on digital era should think long advance rather think long back forty-six years.
Now our country is passing very crucial time in all respect. Day to day price of essential goods going up, millions of flood affected peoples are still passing their life under the open sky where need to provide necessary help for their survive. Now comes extra crisis millions of Rohingya refugee there also need to provide accommodation, medical treatment, sanitation and feeding from government resource along with the help of difference organization , country some rich people. More over very much require to take administrative measure to avoid any unwanted situation. Myanmar also inspiring to engage Bangladesh with war for which violating our air space repeatedly. Government taking highest passions to avoid any conflict better try to solve the problem with diplomatic way with the help of International communities. So at this moment there need to be united among the all political parties, all the people of each and every corner to face the national issue and find out the solution how possible to come out the above lot of crisis to keep the growth of the country continuously. So as a patriot not only a political party, not a leader not a general people none can take part or think of any conspiracy against the country. If any political party take a part of any  conspiracy against the nation or anyone favour to go on power must be think twice whether they are capable to come out the crisis peacefully, whether able to rule the country properly without facing anger of the frustrated people.
Facebook : 23/09/2017

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