Thursday, March 29, 2018

Think this is true

Observing after  occurred any incident/ crime almost all we are start to play blame game with each other stand on the own doctrine.Finally it's investigation for treatment or punishment go to the dark room, and result never come in on the light.
The crime on the day of 7th March by some miscreants are very shame for the nation.When we are accepted this day is a very important for the nation then some of us mistreated our daughter/sister on the way which should not go without punishment and that must go through proper investigation on priority basis.
Some of us trying to take it for political colour but should take it as a social crime which are throwing down the image of the nation. This type of crime were also happened last pohela baishak and also in various occasion particularly in civil gathering. Further another pohela baishak  is knocking the door but sorry to say not yet heard punishment of those criminals of last incident . So  criminal are getting this opportunity for which this type of unsocial activities are increasing day to day.
Some of us always trying to blame to the women and girl for dressed and free mixing, their observation this are inspiring to occur such crime.  If we believe all sexual crime are occurring only for dress that not be complete true. Because it is very difficult to come in conclusion when we observed  five to six years child rapped and killed. What we can say when found student of Madrasa with hijab are rapped.
Actually we are leaving all the norms of civilised society , norms of civilised nation. Ignoring all religious instruction,religious code of conduct. Some of us mentally became disorder. The activities of some women are no doubt very questionable they are also carrying the symptom of same diseases. But if we try to give judgement averagely on all women on the basis of attending any women at night club lonely and on incident there that will be wrong. Believe first need to be change  mentality and attitude of both man and woman.
No doubt at the time of dressed and movement it is mandatory for every Muslim women should take care . If we observe we found the iron are low cost items which we are storing open in the field but diamond are very costly which require keeping under lock and key with heavy security. So far none religious in civilised world advised man or woman to be a naked. So far particularly in Islam women treat like as diamond for which advised to keep them safely. At the same time advised both man and women to keep safe the modesty of all sensitive parts of the body, advised  to keep down the eyes of both man and woman when each other come face to face.  So there is no scope to blame only to the women for any crime man will also have same responsibility.
Fact is that we have lost our morality we have lost our character. Some of us becomes mentally disorder and behave of barbarian and brutality now exceeded over our human activities our human attitude. Also have lake of well-education .Another cause all we are trying to safe our-self to keep away from any harassment, none of us faith on each other, none of us try to challenge the criminals until it comes on our own shoulder. We are acting as blind nothing seen nothing heard any crime any unsocial activities surrounding. Because in maximum cases on the basis of weakness of law , long procedure and also protection from high power can't able to ensure punishment of the criminal.
So far Islam advised husband and wife both are modest for each other. Some times women have been treated better than man for which advised the heaven of the child are under the feet of the mother. So as a sister she is an assets for her brother, as a daughter she is an assets for her parent , as a wife she is an assets for her husband. So every man should respect to the women because she may be some one's sister, some one's daughter, some one's wife and some one's mother also. At the same time every woman should think they are most valuable assets of her family, society and of the nation. They should take care at the time of dressed , movement and on behaviour. Should keep in mind once she will become a mother. A good mother can only provide a good baby, after matured that baby will be come a leader  which is very need for a good nation.
Some of us trying to make woman as a competitor of man showing freedom of women this is wrong at all. Man and woman are not a competitor rather both are complementary for each other. Long before Kamal Ataturk of Turkey was told "give me a good mother I will give a good nation" . Think this is true and is applicable for all the nation around the world. Hey almighty Allah please give us shelter under your blessing.

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