Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Threat of humanity

Observing lot of photo and video in the FB where friends are becomes shocked and eagerly requesting to pray for the people of Syria. I am very much confused for whom we will pray for their destroy or to fall and for whom we will cry? If we think deeply except wounded and victims nothing found for whom we may pray , we may cry or we may support . There all are fighting each other all are brutally killing each other.
If we observe we can't regret the responsibility of present crisis of Syria should go on the shoulder of US and Israel. Though somebody will try to defend US for defeating ISIS but there have also a very big question how ISIS grown ? Because we observed when the Government of Asad with the help of  Russia and Iran almost was going to take control of  the regime why US taken initiative to provide all political, and logistic support for free Kurd inside Syria along the border of Turkey ? Who recognised them to stay in other country to trained and equipped the opposition to fight against the Regime? Why Israel gone direct action on Asad regime ? Turkey repeatedly were requested not to equipped and train to the Kurd but ignored. As a result Ankara also physically involved with this conflict. This interfering fueling  the burning situation of Syria .
Photo : Google
The help of physical and all type of logistic support from Russia and Iran to Asad Government ,think almost plan of US-Israel have been foiled. As a result they came with new strategy that is divide and destroy Syria. If we observed it is very difficult to find out how much group are engaged in war with each other and can't possible to find out their actual motive. Somebody may be said that US helping the Syrian people to safe from the dictator Asad to establish human right to establish the democracy. Very good thought but what is their activities for   very nearest to Syria captive Palestinian for their human right with in world's only one open sky jail, what action are taking against Israel in favour of Palestinian ? Rather, found its opposite going to shift their Embassy in occupied Jerusalem the capital of Palestinian violation of two country solution for peace process of ME.
Thus, way situation provide great opportunity for two big power those are now in proxy war, which caused Syria became  hale of the earth. Some are also taken this opportunity using various media to show the world that Muslim are butcher they have no humanity. They are trying to prove that Islam is not a peaceful religious.
It is reality that opposition of Muslim which they could not able to do directly with their own hand but with using the hand of some people those are bearing the name of Muslim they have achieved much more higher than their expectation. Adopted policy of divide and destroy the Muslim they have almost succeeded. But reality is that thus the way only possible to reduce the head with name of  Muslim but not possible to destroy the Islam. Reduce head of Muslim may be possible because Muslim are not following the code of conduct of Islam, they are divided, they are engaged to kill each brother to another. The leader of almost all the Muslim countries have no morality no humanity , they have also no sympathy to their own nation their dream , their thought how much days would possible to  stay on power anyhow. They have forgotten the last speech of Hazrat Muhammad (SM) were advised all Muslim are brother each other , were advised not to divide. But what Muslim are doing ? An European realised and so far told till then the Quran will be in the hand of Muslim they will be never slave of others. What is realisation of Muslim? Why this brutally and barbarian act. killing , blood shedding of innocent people and other inhuman activities which Islam never be supported which are completely prohibited.
Yes at this moment we have nothing to do except pray to Almighty Allah for give his shelter to all the victims under his blessing also to pray to Almighty Allah for growing sense of those barbarians to be a man with full of humanity, whom now have become really a threat of humanity around the world.

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