Sunday, February 18, 2018


What is going on in Saudi Arabia ? It is not only cause to protect the crime of the country but behind this main target to strong the grift of King Salman power so far.This crisis is not good sign for the Muslim world . If the heart of the Muslim world in trouble. If they are engage to divide the Muslim country. If their hand are full with the blood of Muslim brother. Then there have no alternate except to say they have lost their morality to lead the Muslim world. If they want to create moderate Islamic Saudi Arabia. It is simple can say wrong step. In Islam there  have no word of moderate Islam. It is theory of western country,may be Kingdom are guided by some one. Their activities in Egypt(with people elected government Mr. Murshi)there activities in Yemen, their activities with Qatar and very recently in Lebanon are proving their role became as like as  clubman(Lathial) of US-Israel to establish their agenda not for the interest of Muslim Umma. If this way possible to minimise the strength of Hamas, Hisbullah and Iran then there will be none in ME who will able to play with Israel and thus Israel able to get easily walk over.
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