Sunday, February 18, 2018

No need any more

There is no doubt America lost her acceptance long before.They have betrayed with Palestinian and with all Muslim Umma supporting Israel as capital in occupied Palestinian  land Jerusalem .Thus, they closed the peace process in Palestinian they buried hope of Palestinian. Yes this have been possible due to divide among the Muslim world .
We are observed  that destroyed every thing in Iraq and Syria by IS with the name of Islam off-course which act be never justify by Islam. We also observed with the help of Iran and Russia when IS almost going to kick out ( probably IS leaving field after completed the assignment in ME) form Syria then they open new front in South East Asia base in Afghan. There already raised big question who assisted them. If IS want Islami Khilafat why they were not moved towards Israel when Israel declared capital in occupied Jerusalem one of the holiest place of Muslim ? Why their all activities confined with in Muslim base countries ? Now every one knows who created this IS and why ?Their agenda to change the geographical map with creating new state in side the existing state in ME . Such game is already playing in Palestinian and in Syria with the help of some leader some king of ME.
This is the time to forget all egotism among each and every leader of Arab and Muslim world , time is now to be united , time is to think how to close all relation with America , time is to  think how to minimise dependent on America , time is to think how to possible withdraw all legal/illegal investment of Arab leader from American all economic organisation as a protest, if they bear the Islam.If not then should take preparation to get test of terror like Palestinian, Rohingya , Indian Kashmir, Iraq, Syria , Libya etc one by one. None can be escaped and that time will not so far away if they are not leave the  track on which they are running to keep safe the thrown, to stay in power.
Example are now come in front. When with the help of Iran and Russia Asad Government of Syria going to strong the grip of power by recapturing the land from the US backed rebel then US and Israel involved  directly in war with Syrian regime to defend the rebel and Kurd. Just before the day they attacked several Syrian Army loyal to the government post and killed above hundreds. Asad government invited Iran to get help to protect rebel and IS, for which US-Israel with some loyal Prince, Ameer and other leader are telling this is Iranian aggression but which government called US to fight or provide logistic supply to the rebel of Syrian Government ?  Who is given authority to topple down Asad regime ? If America want to establish the democracy in Syria, if they look for humanity why they are not looking for Palestinian those are passing inhuman life since long like under open sky jail in the world ? Why they planned to deport Palestinian from their mother land ? Thus, it is clear in day light that they are fuelling to spread war in ME  from the beginning indirectly as there target to change geographical map of ME making Kurdistan and another separate state in side Syrian territory, deporting Palestinian from occupied  Jerusalem making capital of Israel. They want to keep Israel free from any threat.
This is not crying for Asad regime this is for humanity. We may remember this Asad Government were voted in favour of Myanmar against Rohingya people , against Bangladesh in UN . However when edit of this post almost going to finish news observed that the Kingdom of  S. Arabia allowed their air space to Israel. Whereas since last Ramadan S. Arabia lead Gulf state continue their embargo on Qatar. Nothing have , lost every thing  to express feeling, just thinking no need any more enemy of Muslim Umma's if found traitor available like leader of this Muslim Countries ?

Post on FB: 11-02-2018

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