Friday, February 16, 2018

Non-Political Government

The concept of Caretaker Government during the time of national election comes from the political leader. Because of all political leader have lost their acceptance, lost their faith among each other. Also, public have no faith at all but nothing to do as people can't change all of them. But very sad for the citizen that they are casting vote on the day of election for some of that political leader and later on when those unfaithful, unacceptable political leader comes on power they rule the citizen. Keep the power in hand they have forgotten previous all.
This is not only the BNP requirement but also observing the behavior of political leaders and their workers believe all the peaceful peoples asking is now deployed Army with full power during Election and also under non-political government name may be anyone. Because of all the citizen of the country requirement now is  to live peacefully.
Facebook Post : 14/11/2017

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