Saturday, February 17, 2018

Let's become a human first

Recently in the country statue issue became more important crises then the issue of flood effected human crises. After meeting of honourable PM with Hefazat on the issue of statue in front of Supreme Court each and every day various discussion positive and negative are going continue . No doubt it is good sign of freedom . But observing once a time if any one tell on Islam some are marked him as a Razakar or collaborator of Jamat Shibir. Now this are  going to change marking as a supporter of IS or JMB , who are intending to establish controversial Islamic khalafat in the world. 
No doubt  present situation it is simply eye wash to mislead the Muslim.ISIS (" Israeli Security Intelligence Service "seen from post some one explain this earlier) activities are with in Muslim countries only . It is now well known ISIS is a Machine which operator is Israeli providing logistics supply by direct or indirect different countries . Target is to kill Muslim. Sorry to say at the time of Ist their movement some Government of Arab countries (not the general people) whom intend was to stay on power long and long days for which if needed they were not hesitated to kill own brother they were also helped them .
If we observe we found ISIS is engaged in battle with the Muslim brothers and killing each other  .But very nearest Israel they are nothing to do against them. In support ,last week comes from the speech of ex.defence commander of Israel who told  once ISIS attacked but disregards to them later on . Not for this Israel declared to provide medical assistance all the wounded shoulder those who are fighting against the regime of Asad . So ISIS is not working for the Islam or Muslim .They are working to divide the Muslim and killing Muslim destroying  /looting each and every thing belongs with the Muslim. They are doing non Islamic work in the name of Islam to recognise all over the world that Islam is a terrorist religion. So that every one will hate to the Muslim. 
Yes so far they were succeeded .They were able to divide the Muslim on the basis of ignorance , frustration of young generation, lacking of co-orderly relation among each other. Whereas last Haj speech in the field Arafat Hazrat Muhammad (SM) told all the Muslim are brother each other , you have right on each other , don't divide from one to another. 
All we have  forgotten and doing it's opposite proudly . No need to look far , in our country we will found more than dozen of Islamic parties but in digital era we can think difference highest four on the basis of difference on four Mazhab in Islam  no doubt this is also opposite thinking of Hazrat  Muhammad (SM) advise . However It is very high label thinking as a illiterate not wise for me to say any more.
Any how Islam is peaceful religion where is no scope of terrorism ,where is no support of killing innocent people , no justification keeping man or woman as slave. Islam also prohibited killing child and women during the war, even not tear the leaf of the tree without real cause . Islam says he is the real Muslim from whom neighbours are safe .
Not only the above Islam says the heaven of the child is under the feet of mother . Did we think how young boy/girl will get heaven as they were not taken consent  from their mother before joining IS or others for killing innocent man and women .Islam is strongly prohibited any kind of suicide . How they will get heaven after dead on own making way of death?
In view of above not only the Muslim even other religion who have little bit knowledge on their religion they can't support to ISIS or others any terrorist group those who are engage with in human activities,if have no other interest is there .
Here may re-cite speech of "Guru Nanok" (collected from FB)before becoming a Muslim, a Shikh, a Hindu or a Christian lets become a human first.
Facebook post : 08/05/2017

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