Monday, February 19, 2018

Should take care

As a life member of Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital, not regular but found their Bulletin. On received try my best to put eyes on that . After left Chittagong this is now only the media to think that still have relation with this Hospital.On observing article on oral-saline written by Dr.Kamal Hossain in Bulletin Vol :148 though it is very old case but surprised to know how a good thing become a danger for a life. So far it is known to all that there is no alternate except feeding oral-sline  for diarrhea effected patient . But some times due to wrong understanding it might be a harmful for any one.
As reported Doctor advised to the parents of diarrhea effected one and half year old child to feed frequently  or-saline. As usual anxious parents one packed oral-sline melted with in half cup of water instead of  half litter water not followed the instruction on the pack and feed to children frequently . Where children will be cured but one day later they observed their child became near to the comma . They immediately rushed to the city and admitted to Maa-O-Shisu Hospital child section but on the way to Hospital the child was trembling.
After admitted and on investigation doctor found high label sodium presence in the body of child  due to feed high density oral-saline which caused not possible to alive the child for long. At last doctors team started Peritoneal dialysis  to reduce the sodium from his body which gradually improved the damaged kidney to come back in normal position. After 74 hours day night hard worked they were became successful . This was the Ist time in this Hospital , Doctors were became very proud parents of the child also very happy . Doctors then thought how much children were  died in previous with such problem. As per record last year they counted above 50  kidney damaged child due to high label sodium were able to cure with peritoneal dialysis .
In view of above we should take care  before feeding whether oral-sline were melted properly or not as per direction on the packed .
Thanks to all the doctors of Child Kidney Unit, Chattagram Maa-O-Shoshu Hospital for their hospitality and treatment.

Facebook : 18/05/2017

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