Monday, February 5, 2018

This is the time to dissolve all quota

Few days back on the way to Dhaka from Chittagong my fellow traveler were talking, may be to pass the time of lonely journey. On discussion he informed last few month he is knocking Dhaka-Chittagong like shuttlecock to enlisted his name as a freedom fighter. Aged more about 67 retired person , father of established children , Owner of a big land, rented to garments owner and getting big amount per month. Asked him at the time of liberation war your target was nothing except independent country . Now in last stage of life you are now well established why you are so much eager to enlist your name ? He frankly told ,now sufficient amount will be easily possible to get and also possible to take others opportunity time to time, more over my grand son and daughter will get privilege in all the government sector, so why shall avoid this opportunity. Answer is quit right . Think this opportunity are mostly availing city based literate person but the illiterate poor freedom fighters those who are living in remote village are not aware or not known the procedure and finally failed to get opportunity.
In the year 1971, I was student of class five.I have seen my elder brother taken training along with others friends, so far after historic speech of Bongobandhu on 7th March. Ist week of April our house was burnt during battle with Pakistani Army. My father's all assets destroyed. Started on running one place to another place with us to keep us alive . During on running few days we were in Gabkhan, Jhalokhathi . During this time my elder brother attacked by serious blood dysentery, So could not possible to cross the border like his other friends. I have still remember how my father saved hundreds of women and children from shelling by Pakistani gunboat. During this liberation war my father and others saved 10 to 12 members of two Hindu families keeping with us. No doubt this was very risk of the life for all the families .
After independents nothing found help for survival for which sold land for our future and tried his best , so far not possible to reach his goal. At last he expired . I believed all of you agreed his activities during the war was a great job , great contribution for the Nation. Thus each and everyone tried their best to keep contribution by help to each other except very little portion of the nation those were collaborated with the enemy.
Our Freedom fighters are the hero of the nation of the country. But their honour can't be measured with money or any kind of remuneration never and ever so long nation take breathing in Independent Bangladesh . But sorry to say from the very beginning they were used by different Government of political parties for their political gain. As a result after changed the Government list of freedom fighters were changed and for the interest of the political party or to stay on power providing extra some remuneration on the name of freedom fighters. As a result created several groups of freedom fighters on the basis of loyal to the political parties . But they should not divide or loyal to the different political parties . Actual list of hero of the nation must be required for our next generation no doubt . But time to time change by deleting and adding is not acceptable at all.
I have mentioned the name of freedom fighters because the process of adding and deducting now believe it will be very difficult to find out actual freedom fighters who fight and were dedicated their life for the nation in 1971. Freedom fighter were divided from his birth by name of BLF and FF out side of the country so far that division still in alive .
How ever it will be not wise to go long behind . Start to say my opinion as one of the people of the republic on the basis of present situation which reflection comes on among the nation.My question is there. Maximum freedom fighter those who were above 30 in liberation war almost have been expired but who were in young around 15-16 years are with us still now so far . On the basis of facility many were taken advantage by misconducted . Last years one or two secretary also gone on retired taken full advantage by misconduct with fake certificate of freedom fighter .
So why need to give remuneration to well established freedom fighters ? Logically question come after forty-eight years still list of FF are deleting and adding on the choice of all ruling party using as vote bank measuring their honour with various facilities. They are the hero of the nation should not count with perimeter of money or other remuneration. If money is the perimeter thus we will lost actual freedom fighter in the rush of fake Freedom Fighter those who are taking unfairness with blessing of time to time ruling political party. To get this remuneration/ facilities years together fake gathered and thus nation already in confused  to find the actual FF. So think better country should take all responsibility only for disabled and needy FF not for wealthy and established all. Government should take all responsibility of the family of disabled Freedom Fighters and family of martyred till dead of husband and wife and also for  their disable kids.
A big number quota fixed for son, daughter also expanded for grand son/daughter of FF looks very odd. There have more quota for various section of the nation. As a kids of freedom fighter I can only feel proud nothing else . Because, may be I had taken birth after long days of liberation war. Even I am not war child, not a beggar, not a disabled, then how I expect to get extra facilities in my long life as I had no personal contribution for the country for the nation. Before asking benefit as a kids of Freedom Fighter should think what will be asked kids of thirty lac shahid family? What will be asked  by them who were suffered long nine months inside territory on gun point, given shelter, provided food, information,also available logistics supplied to the freedom fighters with full risk of life. Lost wealth lost relatives. 
As a result others people of the republic with good marking depriving to get government job and they are expressing their shock why their father and mother were not attended in liberation war, why they were not residence of those area where quota are available, why  not collect certificate of FF and finally they are become mentally upset .
In view of  above, Government should think this is the time to dissolve all types of quota. Because of once bottomless bucket our country now enjoying creditability of development in all sector. Our women also now capable to work along with men. The people from minor ethnicity and social & economic status of various district also developed. Thus the way people from all corner of the country may take opportunity to come forward on the basis of merit to serve better for the nation for the country on the basis of equal right as per our constitution. 

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