Sunday, May 19, 2024

On going genocide in Gaza are pre-planned

In article not remember where were in published, so far in year 2017. During discussion between President Trump and Palestinians President Abbas at white house where Trump told him for peace in Palestine there would be required big sacrifice but not explained in details.The same way discussion with Trump and returned back to Egypt President SiSi was told some change is coming very soon in ME but not elaborated.

On February 16, 2024 Middle East Monitor said that Israeli administration granted licence to six Israeli and International companies to explore natural gas in Palestinian water. Israeli Newspaper Haaretz published in March-19,2024 "Jared Kushner, former U.S. President Donald Trump's son-in-law and key foreign policy advisor, described Gaza's waterfront property as "very valuable" while suggesting Israel should remove Palestinian civilians from Gaza while it "cleans up" the territory."

Almost seven months is going away, Israel killed more than thirty-five thousand and wounded around eighty thousand Palestinians. Demolished 80% structure including housing, Hospital, clinic, Church Masjhid, Educational Institution everything. Cut supply of all necessity, using hunger as weapons against Palestinians. Even at the time of collecting air dropped food Israeli forces killing civilians. There have no space for safety of life.  UN Security council passed resolution for immediate ceasefire but failed to established. Leaders of Arab League, leaders of Organization of Islamic countries also failed to make unity among them to challenge jointly Israel to stop brutality. All are busy with table work and giving lip service.International Criminal Court (ICC) role also the same. But in previous we observed after passed UN resolution to stop Houthi attack in the Red Sea US allied bombing Houthi position in Yemen thus engaged directly Israel-Hamas war in support of Israel.

Israel ignored all request and started operation to much density of population last only one shelter Rafa. Every thing are demolishing ,seems now holocaust is nothing which holocaust survivor are exercising on Palestinians with support of US -UK coalition, violating all norms of humanity, animals also feel shame to see the brutality of the monster. It is clear in daylight ongoing genocide in Gaza are pre-planned. All devils are united for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to occupy land of Palestine as sea site property of Gaza which are very valuable to them. Also in side Israel Netanyahu political position is not good. He is taken terracotta policy, determined to destroy Hamas  with any cost and anyhow to recover country’s 7th October lost image to build up his own image to stay in power continue. We observed keeping peace talk continue for eye wash ,they take time to mobilize their forces.

So called civilised world, savior of democracy, savior of free speech are highlighting only are high lighting surprised attack of Hamas on 7th October 2023 the root cause they are not considering. They are trying to establish victim Palestinians are terrorist but years together the invader Israelis those are killing civilians most of them are children and women, justifying as their defensive action for safety of their citizens. On that day Palestinians were taken revenge of suffering on the same way which they are learning with the cost of blood, cost of land cost inhuman torturing since long more than 75 years from invader Israeli.

In previous we observed sitting on chair as a President,Trumps first visit was Saudi Arab. During his visit billions dollar dealt done for supply of Arms and Ammunition to Saudi Arab to protect the influence of Iran in ME in the name of war against terrorism. He was able to divide Arab leaders, some teach were given to Saudi Arabia for which after his return to USA, Saudi lead others five countries closed relation with Qatar even stop supply of food to Qatar during Ramadan showing cause they are financing terrorists group. After isolated Qatar, not a single moment delayed, twitted Trump as this is the achievement of his ME tour. Because above mentioned all causes are in favour of US-Israel. Going through this policy  America established their base in  Arab countries. Arab leaders believe US will protect them and will be able to enjoy the comfort life staying in power. Now the role of US Secretary like a leader of Israeli war cabinet. His shuttle tour in ME he able to influenced  Arab leaders. So  Arab's leaders are playing role as a traitor, division  among Arab leaders and their silent, neutrality Israel becomes state of blood thirsty monster, monster Netanyahu became unbeatable getting walkover.

Arab’s  leaders should  realise  US and European never be their friend except  when they need to divide among Arabs to inspire to kill each other with their military facilities and have to be economic benefit. US base only protecting their interest and to be  ensured safeguard of  Israel only. We are also observing double standard role of US and European countries. They are providing all support to Ukraine to stop Russian aggression but the same time they are continue providing all logistic support to invader Israel for killing Palestinians, US prepared  pier at sea site Gaza and thus established base of 1000 US soldiers in site territory of Palestine.

Now with the blessings of US-UK lead coalition state of monster Israel prepared Gaza as a butcher house for big sacrifice of Palestinians where Palestinians are now sacrificing their all for freedom of their motherland. Palestinians are fighting not only with Israel but also with the US-UK coalition. No doubt except miracle, Palestinians have no scope to survive. If so, history will say Palestinians were sacrificed their lives, fighting not only with Israel but also US lead coalition for free Palestine, they were chosen better to live one day like a lion but not to live long life like a sheep. Now just counting time only. What will be happened only Almighty Allah knows.

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