Monday, February 12, 2018

What is our destination ?

Looks the situation is going to wrong way. What is our destination ? If you ask to anyone how it will possible to over come the situation ? There is no doubt everyone feel uneasy to say some things , better choose to keep silent . When any patient comes to the doctor for treatment first of all doctor try to find out the symptom of the disease then he proceeds. Once upon a time treatment of  all disease could possible to cure by one doctor . Used one mixture by which pain to fever all were cured. Now digital era need to cure different disease with different doctor. Also not with normal, need specialist on particular disease. Those are rich in the society try to go abroad for treatment. But for the poor they have nothing to do except depends on the local doctors. There is also problem in maximum cases doctors are not referring to others though the case is not related with him. As a result patient are suffering and loosing all money , some times situation comes for the relatives in quite impossible to maintain the expenditure . Then the relatives have nothing to do except tearing and observing up and down the chest of the patient which signal that still he is alive .
I am telling about our country who is passing 46 years after get freedom . Maximum freedom fighters were left us so far. But we are the mad people still listing our Hero's name time to time adding and deleting and there is very doubt whether it will be finished or not . Failed to decide as yet we are Bangladeshi or Bangali ? No doubt for this Politician are only the responsible . Now 46 years are passing after freedom we are running on digital era but our politician insisting people for thinking and concentration still stand on long before 1971.
Once people of the country are respect to the student on the basis of their good image. Now they are engaged with robbing, killing rapping all type of inhuman and unsocial activities . I think not their fault , the politician are diverting their merit ,energy and sincerity on the wrong way using as ladder to get the power as their personal interest . They are not interesting to create a politician from the student for which a long time there have not arranged Election of DUCSO. This type of platform is the base of create a politician for the country . Our mentality are comes very low ,thinking if any one become very active energetic, also with his high morality and dignity then so called politician , who comes on the basis of money think their popularity/ power will be fallen . So they are feel comfort using student as a club man .
Started this post keeping question what is our destination and on this issue mentioned one point as the above is the root cause of shortage of our actual leader. At this moment none can capable to accumulate the people under the one umbrella for any of the national issue , all sector are divided . The shadow of the Parliament called Press Club which were divided long before now even the countries base pillar Parliament >Administrative >Judiciary come under face to face challenges with each other.This is very critical and dangerous disease which may harm for the nation for the country.
Once during the invention of America in Iraq self felt very excited what are doing Iraqi nation and their Elite forces ? How can possible without any obstacle American occupied the Iraq. Now it is clear like a day light that the nation were divided and through that hole there were possible to advance American and thus the Iraqi were lost there sovereignty, their history.
So this is not wise to keep the past all the time in the mind but need to proceed forward taking lesson from the past. During last 46 years every one those were in powers and those were in out of powers have done wrong . Thus, now the disease of the country come in serious condition , need one super specialist patriotic leader who can able to cure this disease, forming board with the specialist from all the sector to cure the nation to safe the country. If not then time is not so far we may face the same situation like others where battling each other killing each other.We have to fall the tears of the eyes observing chest up and down(breathing ) of the country like a patient like notice to all as he is still alive.
Because now the people have no moral strength not believe on any leader.So far people are under stand that every one honour the people for the vote for the power. After ride on power forget all the commitment.They can say easily that they are not responsible to hang the mosquito curtain to each and every houses to safe the people from Dengu or Chikungunia and they can only say can't check each and every bed room to safe the people .
Observed for publishing news on dead goat , case were filed under section 57 against that journalist . Judge, Barrister, Advocate, Journalist etc. are marathon writing in social media, leader of various sizes are deliberating long speech think that creating panic among the public but none can take initiative to file the case against those who are recently insulted the Chief Justice and made contemptuous remarks on the issue of court observation on 16th amendment.Then general people what will do except can pray to Almighty Allah for his blessing upon the leader , Law maker, Executive of the country to clean their heart to serve them self for the country for the nation with heart and soul closing hole of the divide .So that we are enabled to keep behind for our next generation really a peaceful country not a dead valley.
Facebook post : 15-08-2017

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