Monday, February 5, 2018

Beloved sons

Heard long before as a very old story. One thief was lying in a village . Each and every night he disturbs to the villagers . Every body knows but couldn't able to catch him in red handed. Few days later that man dead . Villagers became happy that now on they can pass the night peacefully .
He has four beloved sons . After buried their father they sit to gather . Discussed that their father was thief and disturbed each and every body in the village for which which their father was renown to all in the village with bad image . So we should find out how the peoples of the village appreciate their father forgetting his bad image .
After long discussion they agreed from now on they start the same work like their father but after theft they will burn the house so that every body appreciate their father that the guy theft but was better than their son as he never burns the house after theft.

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