Thursday, February 1, 2018

Once he will become a lord

Our honourable PM told that those who  are telling country have been sold they are foolish. This is very correct no doubt because country can't be sold . But can possible to look after others interest better left the interest of the nation that may be in knowledge or with out knowledge.
If we look back will found during the non stop historical obstacle country wide as a protest one sided questionable 5th January election when the ruling party closed the movement of Begum Zia with truck full of sand by the law enforcement agency . The time was high tension questionable fire bomb thrown by opposition for killing innocent people . During that time Indian PM visited our country with big delegate attended different program . Reported in news paper lot of agreement and memorandum were signed . But against this unbalanced agreement we have able to established the right on only 45 years old treaty which were done by father of the nation but nothing else except hope shall be very soon.
Depends on illusion of friendly help during  our liberation war 1971 by the Indian Government we are giving every scope just for their asking as like remembering and showing our gratefulness including toll free movement the cargo on our land to their other province. Sorry to say on the sack of friendly relation they were not stop the killing on border , after taking all steps were not possible to sign Tista treaty, so far unable to take collective measure to reduce Trade deficit,not able to agree them to show our all TV Chanel in their country , not discussed on Tipai Dam, not discussed about Indian plan to take over the water from several river by digging cannel . If this plan execute the north side of Bangladesh will be desert with in soon as reported .
Not for this we are going to destroy the world heritage site Shundarban forest by establishing  coal base Rampal Electric plant for the interest of our friend ignoring local and international protest. Also this project have been banned by the Indian environmental department for their country long before as reported.
After long days our honourable PM visited India signed various agreement and memorandum keeping hang Tista as before. But expectation of the nation were very high as the relation among the two government now are in very highest level which never seen in before .
World situation is in very tense . After long years American supremacy now under the challenges. We need friends no doubt but as a patriotic leader , nation every one should keep in mind of renowned novel Srikanth there cited may be like this "friends will be very closed no doubt but if think he is very high then once he will become a lord". Think this is very correct lesson  for each and every independent nation.
Facebook post : 11/04/2017

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