Sunday, February 4, 2018

Come out from this attitude

I have taken birth Baniakhamar  Khulna. After, 10 to 15 houses all were Hindu religious. Up to class four we had passed under strict family rules. There was no scope to go out site the house except school. But after start liberation war 1971 for freedom we got some privilege and  after gotten freedom as independence Bangladesh personally got full freedom from strict family rules. Our family were victim on April 1971. Our house was burnt and my father became empty for which his administration comes loose. During liberation war our full family floating one place to another place finally returned and stayed own village Baniakhamar. My father along with other saved two family of Hindu religious keep with us till December 1971 whom boys  were my friend. Till 1980 I was in Khulna and all we are playing reading jointly with others boys of other religious of the village but never think difference among us. Since,when started the division in nation using word of communalism could not remember. In my school life those teachers were most favourite  one of them was Biddut Mitra Sir at Lions High School Khulna.Think you are feel uneasy whether I am trying to write my deposition/ biography ?  Not that but off course there have some reason behind above coming letter on.  
In my first job first boss was Hindu religion and in 2nd job also Barua and Hindu religious passed long 18 years together till year 2000 but never feel this difference or any problem on the issue of religion rather help each other. But observed something is gradually changing in our society on the basis of increase political awareness among us.May be after the damaged of Babri  Masque in India and Guzrat killing this is take place full scale. Now   problem between two persons of  two religion we are trying to  high light religious issue finally colouring with communal clash for divide the nation to create unrest in the country. Last week observed one post in FB page Joomland ...not remember full details the incident place is my well known where passed 20 years of my life. Baizid Bostami , Chittagong is Industrial area and also have many housing society, for which density of population is very high, crime also were very high .At the time of my living each and every Industries bound to pay monthly donation to the group loyal to the ruling parties. Garments worker also not relieved from them. As this was once it was most crime zone in Chittagong city. Particularly 1997-2000 each and every day there was torturing, robbing, hijacking ,rapping are very normal matter some times killing also happened based on   Sher-sha colony and Baizid Bostami area. After placed Baizid Police station some improvement may be done so far. So clash is very normal issue in this area as per my experienced. 
Any way in that post explained that three persons may be from three caste inhabitant Hill districts were beaten by Bangali terrorist as they are Bhuddist mentioning of Myanmar issue in front of Baizid Hotel. There also advised all people of hill districts to move together. Though in post one witness protested and inform that it is done by local miscreant for hijacking money not for other issue but used many words in comment which I really hate with my heart and soul and believe a man of real religious,as a patriotic citizen can't say like this . No doubt that post was very fabricated and intended to make unrest in the society particularly in hill districts. 
My question is there why some of us keep ready to blame any religion or the nation for personal clash or any criminal occurrence like hijacking , pick pocketing etc. As we are living together of various religion from various corner of the country we may quarrel each other. In my country for the personal interest one brother killing own another brother, one villagers fighting with another villagers ,father killing son, son killing father this are general crime. So why we are trying to give shape of communalism of such cases and blame to full the religion. This is not good sign for the nation. In my life I have passed maximum times with other religion with very co-orderly but once found mis-behavioured. During my thirty two years job I never found this nature of man for which I have bound to change  my way of life but that cause I can't blame the full religion or full nation as that is only the problem is personal not for the full religion. I think our country now have been surrounded by international conspiracy. When Government are in pressure focus on flood victims people of our country and humanitarian work for feeding and accommodation of Rohingya refugee those were fled to Bangladesh to safe their life from planned wise genocide by the Government of Myanmar and their terrorist abbot. Then some body are trying to create issue in hill districts for unrest. So to safe us need first unity among us and law enforcement Agency should take care with zero tolerance against act of our national interest by any one.
If we observed it is true we are growing up in all sector but mentally decreasing on quality of our human behaviour. Everyone think I am right but all are wrong , I am some thing but other are nothing. We have to come out from this attitude as far as possible for the interest of the nation .We should think to keep behind for our next generation in a very beautiful country where they are enabled to live with full of peace. 

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