Saturday, February 17, 2018

Change of wind

The Arms which is using on Palestinian those are made of America, Palestinian are killing and wounding by whom inspiration that's America, who were logistic support provided to IS maximum those were made by America. Who logistic support given rival of Syria and the Kurds they are America. The whole ME are are burning, Destroyed Iraq and Lybiya on inspiration by America. Some Arab blocked Qatar who was behind this that is America.
Nikki Haley the US Ambassador to the United Nation think the world is blind so what America is doing none can know. Arab world are divided, somebody are eager to stay on power, somebody are eager to enjoy all in the world. Time is come to realise America will do nothing for them except Israel and own interest of USA. When they reached their target they will throw all leader,King, Sultan any prince like lemon on the dining table. The Arab leader are foolish they had unable to take lesson from fall of Saddam and Gaddafi. 
On the issue of Jerusalem observing some changes have been come among the Arab and Muslim world. After long years Russia able to strong her foot step with given new life to President Assad of Syria. In one sense USA have been defeated with his plan to create geographical changes. Turkey, Egypt even Saudi King also open door towards Moscow. Once KGB leader started his game in ME by visiting various country with a very short notice.If this change of wind are continue then time is coming when need to be impose embargo on America and that may be started from Arab state.
Facebook : 16/12/2017

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