Thursday, August 30, 2018

Should lift second one or recruit high profile candidate.

If, boss of any Organization suffer inferiority complexity then the environment of the office always looks like cloudy. None can feel comfort to work with this senior guys. As senior guys have problem, he always tries to keep others dominate or can’t recognize the efficiency of any subordinate. He can't encourage rather tries to deprive. He can’t trust or believe anyone. Always tries to highlight self to others or to higher Management. Never want to highlight any subordinate to anywhere. Always think if highlight anyone, may be his/her own position will come under the risk in near future.
Like as Mr.Y joined in new office after sacked or bound to left his previous work place. Since long, he was passing the days with blushing but couldn’t possible it to continue when head of local chief have been off. Once, it comes under eyes of Management. So within a short time junior of Mr. Y promoted under the consideration of the Management tested with his sincerity, honesty and basis of morality. Mr.Y didn’t accept it normally. Understood all his activities now comes under observations. So can’t possible to pass the days with blushing like previous, think better to leave this job.
Later on Mr. Y joined in new place with his luck or blessing of old friend. But he never forgets last set back . He determined from the beginning he doesn't want further to do the same mistake. Fixed target second man of the office who may be risk for his position as almost senior one. As a office In-charge Mr. Y start to create field to insult, all his activities not taking positively, try to minimize his facilities, wrong information providing to higher Management to demoralize, taking possible every step to bitter him. Thus, situation reach up to that position where anyone among them need to be left this organization. Such cases honesty and sincerity does not pay Justice maximum times rather observed boss is always right. So possibility have to leave second one.
Though in my thirty-two years experienced in two organization where only one time found that the Management of strong principle foiled conspiracy of deptt. Head to sack junior one as he didn’t agree with unruly activities of his deptt. Head. As a result deptt. Head was bound to left the organization. However, thus the way of unhealthy jealousy and activities like to take revenge of an incompetent officer to keep safe his/her chair, any Management of Organization may lost without their knowledge a very skilled hand with sincere, honest , and very loyal to the Organization for whom Organization paid money and long times.
In view of the above and on the basis of long experience my observation is for the higher Management of the Organization if anywhere any senior post comes vacant, should try to lift second one. If needed provide proper training to create perfect man for that chair. If not possible, should recruit from outside with high profile candidate, keep in mind there is no scope of soft corner or show highly gratitude to any candidate by any member of the Management so that candidate to be a man of high skilled, strong personality, man of strong principle and morality. This type of man never suffer inferiority complexity, never lost his valuable time feeling anyone as his/her competitive inside the Organization, rather spare that time for development of the Organization. If so atmosphere of the Organization will be very nice. Each and everyone feel comfort where in maximum times of the day they are passing. They will enable to work with full of enjoyment like they are with the members of the family.

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