Friday, March 22, 2019

Shown the path of peace

On 15th March Friday supremist terrorist brutally killed fifty Muslim worshipers and wounded more on Jumma prayer in two Masques at Christchurch, New Zealand. The authority caught the killer and also caught two other suspected with in short time successfully. We observed with in a moment honorable PM of NZ come on focus with her courageous leadership, told this is the darkest day of NZ and assured, her Government will do possible every thing for the victims Muslims.
We observed that the Government have handled the situation with the leadership of their honorable PM very nicely, cordially which not only the Muslim residents of NZ but also Muslim of around the world never be forgotten so far. The people of NZ also shown their highest-level of sympathy, cordiality humanity to the victims of Muslims like as their family members which very uncommon. 
On the activities of Honorable Prime Minister of NZ one newspaper wrote that Jacinda Ardern shines on New Zealand darkest day”. No doubt her leadership with her sympathetic behaviour, her cordiality, her rest less hard work with the highest level of humanity able to established her name in the heart of all peaceful people around the world. 
Now the time to return of Muslims residence of NZ to do every thing better for the NZ and also for the people. The responsibility comes on the shoulders of the Muslim to prove that the Islam is only the peaceful religious where is no compromise with any barbaric activities, inhuman activities. ISIS not bear the Islam, even action of Saudi lead coalition in Yemen, blocked of Qataris peoples, killing shia Sunni each other never be supported by the Islam. Islam never support killing of innocent people even during in war, advised not to kill women and children, even advised not to tear unnecessary leaf of trees. Real Muslim is that man from whom neighbours are safe from his hand from his tongue. He will be never a real Muslim if he goes on bed to sleep after taken food keeping neighbours in hungry. 
Terrorism has no room in Islam at all. Those are happening around the world in the name of Islam all are fabricated some supremacyist and imperialist are working behind the screen playing this game to use this against the Islam. 
After collapsed USSR era of cold war Islam became only one enemy to all the imperialist / supremacyist and doing every thing against Islam and Muslim. But sorry to say leader of Muslim Countries unable to realise, they are co-operating with the imperialists and supremacyist as like as their doll, engaging in inhuman activities to keep the throne safe and to stay in power for long. Thus, they put Islam under the question.
However, in present darkest world New Zealand shines with her own human behaviour, awaken hopeless people of the world that still have humanity, all are not terrorist in the name of religious, in the name of nationalist in the name of color white or black etc. Still, have hope we may create heaven this darkest world with our humanity our cordiality. 
Peoples and leaders around the world those are engage directly on killing or inspiring others to be a terorist to kill others should take lessons from the leader Jacinda Ardern what is humanity, how possible to conquer the heart of the people. There is no need to specify clour or religious no need to specify who is Muslim, who is Christian, who is Hindu and Bhuddhist etc. Need to be a man with humanity and only thus the way we may expect to create peaceful environment around the world.
Thanks and salute to the Honorable Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and the people of New Zealand who shown the path of peace to the darkest world.

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