Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Is new mission of Muslim killing !!

The blood of the Muslim worshipers in New Zealand Mosque not yet dried, but the barbaric killing of Christian worshippers in Church, killing of innocent man women and children in different hotel in Sri Lanka, peaceful people of the world has lost its language of hate. In New Zealand after the barbaric killing of Muslim worshipers in the Mosque for prayers, there was created a Cordial ties between the wholehearted peaceful people of the world. But the case of brutality in the Church of Sri Lanka is now facing ultimate challenges. While the Government of Sri Lanka is controlling all the media, including restricted on social media to keep law and order situation under control in favor of peace. But some online news portal circulating the name of unknown Muslim Organization referring intelligence report of a neighboring country.  Looks they are fueling on fire so that situation of Sri Lanka to become disturbing and unstable. So far there is no reason minority Muslim attack on minority Christians as both are persecuted community of the country by majority Sinhalese. Moreover, there is no doubt this will madness that out of total population only 10% Muslim community want to rule the country. Srilankan Government observing the depth of terrorist attack told only one single local group can't do this foreign hand acted behind.
Peaceful man and women around the world seen with the name of Islam in Syria and Iraq. Everything of inhuman activities had done to demolish Islamic history, culture, Industries and businesses. But ISIS never touched Israeli land, air or water. The mission now almost over. During in combat Israel successfully shifted their capital to Jerusalem and also able to keep continue the barbaric tortures on Palestinians. Ethnic cleansing of Rohinga Muslim in Arakan state almost completed by Yangon with performing all kinds of inhuman and barbaric activities. China is very secretly performing their brutal activities of Uighur Muslims. Kashmirs Muslims are on gun point, also on the issue of Mother (Cow) killing Muslim in India is going on since long. Another Forty millions Muslims Man and Women are kept in a list in Assam to push back. Now the big question come in front is the field of 'The new mission of Muslims killing' started in South East Asia through the killing of innocent worshipers in the Church with bomb attack"? The world knows that the ISIS born and brought-up in Israeli womb and in Southeast Asia only one friend of Israel are India. Both of them targets are Muslim, by any way they want to destroy the Muslim.
These are true, Islam is the religion of peace. Islam teaches that the true Muslim is, from whose activities neighbor feel safe. Where is prohibited any torture on women and children in the battlefield, even prohibited without any reason to tear leaves of the tree. So a Muslim can not kill or perform barbaric acts in other religious places, can't kill Muslim man women and children in Mosque, Bazar School on issue of Shia, Sunnis. Islam never support any barbaric killing, rapping, slavery, destroying social, religious and national structures, any inhuman activities even suicide. Those are involve such inhuman activities they may bearded, they may wear Muslim dress, they may bear Muslim name and they also may born in Muslim family, but never be a real Muslim except terrorist, the enemy of Islam, an enemy of humanity. This evidence seen throughout the world peace loving people what ISIS has done in Syria and Iraq.
Now need to remember Honorable Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand's, in same crisis, she was able to keep not only the people of her own country, but also peace loving people of the world under one peace umbrella with her morality, sincerity and human behavior.
Sri Lanka suffered in long battles. Now is the high time to keep the nation united. There has much possibility, extremists can take this opportunity to put the nation in trouble with the issue of bomb attacks. Now bigger challenges in front of both the Government and political leaders to overcome this crisis. Therefore, should forget all differences, must keep up the national unity at the first of all. This is very tough, but need to find out these bubble monsters to disable them. Nevertheless, require to uncover the mystery through proper investigation and find out key culprit, to ensure major punishment. No doubt the way are not smooth at all. China and India are in an aggressive mood to establish own influence in Sri Lanka. President and Prime Minister are also divided on this issue. Question come with this situation, whether the government will able to protect minorities, providing security and safety, with ability to build national unity to overcome this crisis ?


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